Greater sorrow prepares us for greater joy!

As I read and re read and listened to Elder Budge’s talk “Consistent and resilient trust” the phrase “sorrow prepares you for joy” wouldn’t leave my mind. The more sorrow we experience here in mortality, the more joy we will one day have. We are taught that to know the sweet taste, we must first know and taste the bitter. (James 3:11, D&C 29:39) We must pass through sorrow to know of that pure joy that will come. We can better appreciate the joy we experience and the sorrow we feel because we know the difference through personal experiences. We’ve been through that ourselves and KNOW. I am grateful for the trials I have passed through. They have been some of the most challenging and difficult times of my life that have made me into the person God wants me to be. But don’t get me wrong, going through them at the moment, is hard. Being grateful for them in the moment? That is a totally different question. Haha it’s not easy, but I think that’s the point. Trials aren’t SUPPOSED ...