Daily uniforms, putting on the whole armor of God!

As I woke up the other morning and thought about what I needed to get ready so I could go to my job at Olive Garden, I thought about my uniform: Black pants, black socks, black non slip shoes, black button up, my Olive Garden name tag, black apron, my award pins, my black book, and my black coin pouch- all make up my uniform. In a way the uniform becomes my identity. The definition of uniform is “remaining the same in all cases and at all times; unchanging in form or character”. It promotes a oneness, an equality. 

 I thought about what uniforms we put on daily, and what each of them represent. Pajamas (or in my case a nightgown, 😂) church clothes, seminary teaching clothes, relaxing clothes, workout clothes, work clothes, etc. Whichever “uniform” I put on, it almost becomes my identity and I am that person while I am wearing it. Do I give it power? Do I let it become who I am? Does it define me as a person?

What uniforms do you wear? 

Digging even deeper, just because my uniform tells others that I’m a server at Olive Garden doesn’t necessarily mean that I am. It doesn’t mean that that defines me. Whatever the case is in your life, if you’re a “shop boy” or a boy who works at a shop, these meanings are two very different things. (From the movie “Stardust”) You can be ANYTHING that you want to become.

Being at a certain spot in life doesn’t define you. Whether you’re wearing the uniform of marriage or the single hood uniform, a mom, a teacher, a butcher, a truck driver, or whatever. When you put that uniform on, how do you feel? Are you uplifted? Are you an example around you? I think of missionaries and the uniform and badge they wear. They are identified as messengers of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Think to yourself who are you when you’re by yourself? What uniform are you wearing then? Is it who you are or who you want to be? Who God wants you to be?

Since uniforms are unchanging and they remain the same, my mind wandered to my spiritual uniform- in this case, my uniform for this is the armor of god. You have the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, feet fitted with the gospel of peace, shield of faith, Helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit. (Ephesians 6:10-18) ♥️This is a decision I make daily if I put it on or not. Now it’s not going to do much if I only wear the shield of faith and forget my sword of the spirit. See where I’m going with this? You need the WHOLE armor of God.

Sometimes in life, I feel like I am literally in a battle. A battle with Satan. I am trying to ward off his fiery darts and the temptations that bombard me. Days like that I need protection and the ability to fight!

This is something that I put on daily in a sense. Something that gives me the courage and strength to go throughout my day. To protect me against temptation and the adversary. This helps me remember my true identity: a daughter of God. 

Compared to a normal uniform, my spiritual uniform is always changing. I am always trying to become better. Trying to become what my loving Heavenly Father wants me to become. I take on that identity as a daughter of God, and that identity is one I always want to have. 

I feel like my perspective has changed. No matter what uniform we wear in life whether it’s work, school, out with friends, dating, when you’re working out, etc. remember your one true identity as God’s child and the one uniform we should all strive to have, the armor of God. ☀️🙏🏻♥️😊


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