I am not good enough

I am not good enough

Words that hold a deep and hurtful meaning to most every single person on this earth. Words that we have all let sink into our hearts and actually let have power over us at one point or another in our lives. I’m not good enough. I’m not pretty enough. I’m not skinny enough. I’m not... this I’m not... that or the other. That’s why I’m single or that’s why things haven’t worked the way I wanted them to or whatever.

We give these words permission to seep into our souls, to trade our self confidence for, and to actually stop us from reaching our potential. The potential that God sees in us. We think of everything we don’t have and everything we aren’t and base our worth off of those things we lack. 

WHY? Why do we do this? Why do we compare ourselves? Why do we always wish we were something different? Why do we spend so much time comparing ourselves on social media? Or compare our weaknesses to others strengths? NEWSFLASH: There are always going to be people that are skinner, prettier, more talented, successful, etc. than you. 

But you know what? That’s OK! Someone said “comparison is the thief of joy”. To me, once you’re ok and happy with yourself and your life, someone or something else comes along with something “better”- automatically we lose that joy. Those comparisons take it right away. They steal it from us and often times, we let it. Don’t let it friends!!! Enjoy your life and what you have. Don’t waste your precious time wishing your life away. Wishing you were this that and the other and the laundry list of things were happening in your life right now. Enjoy it! Enjoy what you have. Be YOU! There’s only one of you, and that’s pretty amazing that when God created each of us, that He knew you were important.

As I was thinking about this topic, the song called “I am enough” popped into my head: 

There are so many voices telling me who I should be. I try to hear through the noises and hold onto what I believe. When I listen closely, I start to open my eyes And I'm reminded of who I am inside:
I am enough
I am of worth
There is a reason I'm here in this world
I am a daughter (and son) of god
I am accepted and wrapped in his love
I am enough
When troubles surround me, sometimes I start to forget, But I see it so clearly when I count the ways that I'm blessed And it helps me remember that I am a part of his plan And I know that he loves me just the way that I am. 

YOU are enough. YOU are loved. YOU are His child. He created you and gave you talents, your body type (flaws and all), special gifts that you only have, and things that make you uniquely you!

The definition of unique is: being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else. So! What are you going to do when you find that you’re comparing yourself to someone else? When you start talking about how you’re not enough and that’s why.... dot dot dot isn’t happening in your life? You REMEMBER that you’re unique. You’re YOU and no one else. 

Friends, this topic has been on my mind so much lately. With moving home and jumping into my life NOW, post graduation, having opportunities come my way, and living at home, I’ve been reminded of a lot of things. I’ve been reminded of the plan that my Heavenly Father has for ME. For Lyssa Jo Wanner. He wants me to keep growing in ways I never imagined, so He can continue to mold me into the person I’m meant to be. That’s not saying it’s going to be easy.. anything worth doing never is. But, everything in our lives and what you’re doing now is preparing you for your future and who you’re meant to be. God’s plans ALWAYS work out so much better than our plans for our lives. So TRUST Him, trust in His timing, trust in His love for you, have faith, and always remember that YOU ARE ENOUGH. ♥️☺️


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