Life is hard
Life is hard
A phrase that I’ve heard so many times. Oh you’re having a rough time? Well life is hard. Oh you thought this life was going to be a breeze? Well life is hard. That is what we are told. Life is HARD. While that is true, life is also WORTH IT. Satan’s plan and idea of how life would be like if we followed him was that life would be easy, but it wouldn’t be worth it. Our Savior’s? The opposite. Life would be hard, but it would be worth it. Every trial, every hardship, everything that didn’t work out the way we thought would work out our way, would eventually come together for our gain and for our good.
Family get togethers around the holidays are always fun. They are a time where you and your family, the nieces and nephews get together with your brother and sister in laws. You eat, talk, play with the kids, and have a good time. They are also a time when I am reminded of my “single” status. Just me, by my lonesome, a party of one. π
It comes and goes in waves. One day I’m great! Feeling like I’m on top of the world, other days, like today, I feel down, disheartened, and sad. I catch myself from asking why? Why have I been single? Why hasn’t life worked out the way I thought it was going to? But before I get to that, I stop myself from even going there. I’m not the only one in my situation, nor will I be the last. Being single has been positive in a lot of ways and I’ve been able to do so many wonderful things!
1- I’ve been able to travel a lot and gain an education
2- I have gotten to know who I am and what I want out of life
3- I know who I am and where I am going
4- I know who’s child I am and in whom I trust
5- I know my Heavenly Father is mindful of me and has a plan EXACTLY for me
I’m grateful for my experiences thus far and I wouldn’t change a thing. I also don’t tell you this for you to feel bad, but to have you think of a different perspective: my perspective. These thoughts and feelings are what I have been learning on my journey through this earthly life.
A little tender mercy happened. I was reminded of how much God is aware of me and loves me. We do not go through this life alone. I was reminded of my Savior Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He made for me. He can help take away my sting of whatever is going on in my life at that time, all I need to do is ask. To come unto HIM.
It’s easy to know that God has a plan, but sometimes it’s also easy to forget that just as quickly. I was enveloped with love from a Father in Heaven who cares so much for me. A Father who did not send me here to fail. I may not have what I want most, and I’m definitely not complaining, but I do have what I need at this moment in time. I know that and He knows that.
My point is friends, that GOD is AWARE of us. Our needs, our individual hard things, our wants and righteous desires. Whatever trial you are going through right now, just remember that life is going to be hard, but that is when we grow. If it were easy we wouldn’t grow. And we wouldn’t learn a darn thing. What would be the point?
We are shaped and molded into the sons and daughters that God wants us to become. Hank Smith said “God uses trials to shape us into the type of people we have to be in order to fully enjoy the future opportunities He has prepared for us.” And He definitely has some wonderful things in store. Keep trying, keep hanging on, and know that one day, everything will work out and make sense. Until then- don’t give up, keep your chin up because God is in charge ♥️
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