Blessings brighten when you count them 😇

I was serving at Olive Garden last night and what started out slow became more and more of a busy night. I had just gotten double sat. That means you get two tables at once.. 😒it was kind of hectic for a few minutes, but both tables were so patient and kind. My one table was a group of 3 sisters and their mom. They were celebrating a birthday. 

Dinner went as usual and I checked up on them every little bit. They had just finished their birthday dessert and I had just finished up my other tables and was about ready to go home for the night. I stopped and talked a bit more with them and we got on the topic of the gospel. Now I LOVE this gospel and I love being able to share it and talking about it with others brings me joy! 

The neatest thing happened, as I was telling them about my life and what I was doing, the spirit was so strong and testified to me that I was in the right place in life doing the right things. I’ve been trying extra super hard to have the spirit with me and to be choosing the right, so that I can receive all the blessings God has for me. 

I bore my testimony to these sisters, who were members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as well, and as I did so all of us had tears in our eyes and were so grateful that God put us in each other’s paths for a brief time. They’d share things and I would share things and this lasted for a few minutes.

It was almost like the entire restaurant melted away and it was just us 5 talking and sharing our testimonies. We had this warm bubble surround us and it just enveloped us all. As we ended, I wished them a wonderful night and thanked them for coming in. God puts specific people in our paths, even for a brief time, for a reason. I was reminded how I really do love these moments in my job. I have been able to meet such neat people in my life and I am so grateful for that. 

It’ll be 2 years ago this month that I left Deseret Book and came to Olive Garden. I remember feeling like that was the right thing to do and just going for it. I loved my job at DB and missed working with such amazing friends and being able to bear my testimony daily as I helped new temple goers prepare for the blessings of the temple. It was truly a delight to be there and I think about it often. I miss it. But, you don’t have to work in a place like DB to have experiences like that. You can have them anywhere as long as you have the Holy Ghost with you.

After, I went to go get my end of shift papers signed by my manager. The first thing I said as I walked in was how grateful I am to be able to have spiritual experiences at OG. He is a bishop and  we’ve been able to chat about the gospel quite often. I sat down and told him about my experience with those sisters and we too, had a neat time as well. He said that you can bear your testimony anywhere by the way you act and treat others and by the way you carry yourself. We both talked about the love God has for each one of us and how He is aware of what is going on. He placed each one of us in this time and in this life for a reason. We both had tears in our eyes as we talked about the experiences we’ve had in our lives thus far and how we are both so grateful for the opportunities God has given us. 

Friends, my favorite quote says “live in such a way that those that know you, but don’t know God, will come to know God because they know you.” I know that Heavenly Father is our father. He loves you and I so so much! He has a plan especially for you and He wants so badly to bless us, but we need to do what we are supposed to do so that we can receive those blessings. With that being said, remember that no matter what you do, He still loves you and that love will never change. I’m so grateful for that love and that care that He and His Son Jesus Christ give me so freely. I know we are in the points in our lives for a reason and that God is aware. We are HIS children. Always remember that. ☀️ 


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