The parable of the ten virgins:

The parable of the ten virgins:
I’ve been thinking a lot about this parable lately. It is one of my favorites and there was a picture of the 10 virgins that hung in my parents bathroom growing up. I remember pointing out the 5 wise and 5 foolish. The more I got thinking about this parable, and what it means to me was that, yes Heavenly Father wants us to help and serve one another. He wants us to love our neighbor as ourself. At the same time He gives us agency. Agency to choose and listen to Him and follow the commandments He has given us. He wants us to serve and help others and make good choices. Each time we do that, we add another drop of oil into our lamps. We are able to keep trying each day to fill our lamps.

When the ten virgins were all together, the 5 wise filled their lamps and made sure they were prepared. The 5 foolish took no heed to that. When the time came that the bridegroom was near, the 5 foolish panicked. They had no oil. They asked the 5 wise and they said that if they gave their oil to them then they themselves wouldn’t be prepared.

And so the 5 foolish left and tried to find oil for them, but could not. When they got back- the door to the bridegroom had been shut and when they knocked the Savior answered and said that He did not know them. Can you imagine? Having our Savior Jesus Christ open the door to you and have Him say that He doesn’t know you? 😔

What I get out of this parable is that we do not know when the Lord is going to come. Over the course of our lives we have to do what we need to do today so we can have a full lamp and be prepared. I can be prepared by doing small and simple things every day that are in accordance with God and His commandments ☺️ I also think that you can’t help others unless you’re OK yourself. You can’t give out of your cup if you don’t have any in your cup to give. God wants us back with Him in His presence. He will never force you to choose the right. You choose what you want. Ask yourself what you’re going to do with the time you have? Will you be wise or will you be foolish? He wants you to choose for yourself. Don’t be disheartened. Keep going friends, God is mindful of you. 🙏🏻☀️♥️ #D&C45

56 And at that day, when I shall come in my glory, shall the parable be fulfilled which I spake concerning the ten virgins.

57 For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived—verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day.


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