Serving others brings JOY! ♥️

Serving others brings joy ♥️

I had a really neat experience today. I was walking home from school and I saw a pathway that I always wanted to go down. As I got closer to it, I realized it was just a driveway and I couldn’t go down there. So I started on my regular route going home. I came upon this old white house. It looked worn and ragged and I honestly hadn’t given it much thought when I would pass it daily. 

In the driveway was an elderly woman getting out of a car with some of her brown paper bag groceries. She was putting them on the lawn as I was walking up to her. (Now, side note, I had written some things down earlier that I wanted to do today, one of them was serve someone.) As I saw her putting these groceries on the lawn, I wondered how she was going to carry them all to her house by herself. The person dropping her off couldn’t walk, and later she thanked me for helping, since she could not.

I went up to her and had to ask a couple times because she couldn’t hear me, if she needed some help carrying her groceries. She turned around and her face lit up. She exclaimed “oh, that would be so wonderful! You must’ve been sent from heaven.” I picked up her 4 bags and joked with her that I’m a “one trip” kind of person. She laughed and just kept thanking me. 

I got talking to her and asked her if she lived alone. She replied with “yes.” But she had her dear sweet kitty that kept her company. She said that she has lived here for a long time, back when her white house was the only one of the block. After dropping her bags on the porch, I asked her if she needed anything else and she said that I could take her garbage can to the street. She said her refrigerator went out and she had to throw a lot of her food away. She followed me to the street and even offered to help me lift it. What a sweetie! 

I asked her one more time if I could do anything else. She had a couple of trash bags on her porch and she said if I could, put those in the trash when I walked to the street. I smiled and said of course! We talked for a few more minutes and I told her of my experience and writing down to find someone to serve. We both agreed that it was divinely inspired and meant to be. That God does send angels to help. 

Now, I’m not writing this to glorify myself, but to glorify my Heavenly Father. He knew that Ella-Ruth was going to need some help today and since I told Him I wanted to help, He provided the way. Which He will do for ALL of us that want to serve His children and our brothers and sisters.

Friends, I know that God is AWARE of us. He knows all of us individually and what our needs are. We are His hands!! 

From the book “Consider the blessings” by Thomas S. Monson, he said “Again, my brothers and sisters, our Heavenly Father is aware of our needs and will help us as we call upon Him for assistance. I believe that no concern of ours is too small or insignificant. The Lord is in the details of our lives.” 

May we all strive more to serve those around us. ♥️


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