To my friends ♥️

To my friends ♥️

Happy Valentines Day.. or should I say happy single awareness day.. or happy self love day.. or.. whatever the case may be in your life right now, whether you’re single, dating, not dating, separated, married, engaged, divorced, widowed, etc YOU are loved. 

Your relationship status should not affect your happiness. Yes it can add to your happiness, but if that is all you’re thinking about then change your mindset. You are amazing just the way you are! Yes, fun holiday’s like to remind you that you’re alone. And sometimes it makes the lonely feel lonlier, but it doesn’t have to be like that.

When the time is right, it’ll be your TIME. If it isn’t happening then just slow down, be patient, and keep LOVING YOURSELF. You have potential, you have worth, you’re smart, BEAUTIFUL, and you have friends and family who love you and support you. Be YOU, don’t be anyone else. 

If you’re wondering when your time is going to be, and you’re getting frustrated, keep reminding yourself that great things take time. If things don’t happen in this life, know that it WILL! Put your faith and trust in God. He’s the PERFECT matchmaker. 

If you’re happy being single then keep being happy! Happiness is a CHOICE. YOU make your own happiness. To all my friends today, I hope you have the BEST DAY EVER ♥️ and know that no matter what your relationship status is, YOU ARE LOVED 🥰


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