Hope that things will work out, faith that they will, and trust, that God will take care of you ☀️

I was recently driving up the canyon, from my parents in Brigham City back to my apartment in logan. When I woke up that morning, the outside was so thick with fog that I couldn’t see far at all. It looked sad and gloomy. Much to how I felt on the inside. This week has been so overwhelming. I started my last semester of school at USU and I started to doubt that I could finish my degree. I started to think about the job I wanted and if it was even going to work out. So many things in my life are up in the air. I have so many things to do that make my list a mile long. Because that list is so long, I doubted I could do it. My work load for school was going to have me dragged to the finish line, with blood, sweat, and tears attached. I was discouraged, distraught, and downhearted. 

News flash: I am not always happy. I know, shocking right? I’m sometimes sad, depressed, angry, frustrated, impatient, and the list could go on. I remember a few years ago when I was down in the dumps. I remember just breaking down one day. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t pretend to be happy when I wasn’t. I was reading a book called “strength through adversity” by Brent L. Top. In the book, I found a poem that I have memorized and it has stuck with me all these years. It says “ if you can smile when things go wrong and say it doesn’t matter. If you can laugh off cares and woes and the troubles that make you fatter. If you can keep a cheerful face when all around are blue, then have your head examined bud because there’s something wrong with you. For one thing I’ve arrived that there are no ands or buts, a guy who’s  grinning all the time, must be completely nuts.”

This was almost a breakthrough point for me. It was almost like it had set me free. It gave me permission- I didn’t have to be happy all the time. I could feel other emotions. I needed to feel them. These were those emotions that I couldn’t ignore, because if I did ignore them, then I would be back to square 1, where I was. Remember the poem, If you’re happy all the time, you’ll be nuts!

Just like fog, life is hard to navigate through. It’s hard to keep taking those trusting footsteps in God, not seeing anything, but knowing that it won’t always be like that. It won’t always be hard and overwhelming. There are better days ahead. As I kept driving, suddenly, I got to a point where I was completely out of the fog. I was amidst a bright blue sunshiny day. The fog lifted and I was out of woods, and into the clear. It was like the fog hadn’t even existed. As I looked in my rear view mirror, it was there, as a reminder of what I’d been through.

As we look back on our lives, we are definitely going to have those fog filled days, weeks, months, or even years, when we ask ourselves, “when will this ever end!?” I can testify to you all, that it will. As long as we keep taking those steps forward and having hope, faith, and trust in our Heavenly Father, we know that we won’t always be ok, but we will be.. eventually. There will be those times when the fog clears and a sunny, clear day emerges. Just like the title, have hope that things will work out, faith that they will, and trust that God will take care of you. ☀️ 


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