The inner workings of my soul 😌

I know I’ve written about the love that God has for us before, but as of late I’ve seen His hand in my life and the love that He has for me even more. It’s been this HUGE thing! I’ve been taking an institute class called Jesus Christ and the everlasting gospel. It’s really had a big impact on me. My teacher, Brother Hunsaker, tells us about these things called word of wisdom lessons. Basically his students will have lessons taught to them by the spirit- things that that specific individual needs. It’s what the Holy Ghost has taught them. 

I had one of these experiences a couple weeks ago. It was quite beautiful. Our lesson was on the creation. As we were taught more about how God created the earth and how He created man and woman - I remember getting this overwhelming feeling that God was aware of me. He created ME. He knew what was going on in my life, what I would experience, the choices I would make- he literally was and is in the details of my life. Most importantly, I knew He loved me so much. Tears began to flow out of my eyes and I couldn’t contain them any longer.

Brother Hunsaker said and or challenged us to ask God what He loves about you, what He is proud of you for doing, and how much He really does love you. This was a beautiful a-ha moment for me. As I sat there in class, quietly crying, the spirit testified to me that God does love us so much! And if we will ask Him how He feels about us and how much He loves us- HE WILL TELL YOU. ♥️ I challenge all of you to do so!

I’ve just been so overwhelmed and overjoyed with the love of God lately that I’ve been feeling. The pure happiness. There’s been many times that I literally FEEL Gods love so much that I begin to cry. I immediately say a silent prayer and thank God for these feelings. The experiences I have had lately and the things I’m learning about Jesus Christ and our Father in heaven have really opened my eyes up to the love that is there from a loving Father.

In Moses 6:63 we’re taught that “And behold, all things have their likeness, and all things are created and made to bear record of me, both things which are temporal, and things which are spiritual; things which are in the heavens above, and things which are on the earth, and things which are in the earth, and things which are under the earth, both above and beneath: all things bear record of me.” His love is everywhere. Seek it.

Brothers and sisters, friends and family, keep on keeping on! You’re worth it- and God knows that. Do YOU? Don’t ever give up! This gospel is the one and ONLY way for us to experience TRUE happiness☀️ and let me tell you, it is possible. 😊


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