Weakness. Not giving up!

Why is it that we as humans are so darn weak? (Mark 14:38) Over and over again we commit the same mistake or sin. We tell ourselves we aren’t going to let it happen and then BAM- it happens again. 

We live in such a society that us trying our best, is not good enough. We have to be perfect. Flawless. And without mistake. Or else everyone around you will think less of you and or judge you. We are so focused on that perfection, we forget how far we’ve come what we’ve already accomplished. REMEMBER, we’re our worst critic!

Accentuate the positive. Don’t dwell on the negative. If you fail, or make a mistake, pick yourself up and move forward. Don’t get stuck in the past. Each day we have on earth is a gift. Cherish that! 

I’m so grateful for a Savior, for Jesus Christ. For His willingness and the decision that He made to atone for my sins. Elder Holland had a talk that mentioned us being in debt to Him. We indeed are in debt to our Savior Jesus Christ. He has already paid the price for us. All we need to do is to come unto Him, repent, and move forward. (2 Nephi 31:20)

I love that Heavenly Father knew we were going to need help (might I add, lots and lots of help). He knew what we were going to go through. What our temptations were going to be, the trials we would face, and the things we get to go through on this earthly life. It’s easy to forget this simple truth. It’s easy to forget that each one of us are beloved sons and daughters of a Heavenly Father who LOVES us so much. ♥️ don’t forget that!! Ever. 

No matter where I thought my life was going to go, He knows best. He knows the way. His son Jesus Christ is the way. (I am the way, the truth, and the life) John 14:6

I love how patient They are with me. They are waiting with open arms and love, wanting me to come back- to walk once again, the straight and narrow path. Matthew 7:13-14 they’re my constant cheerleaders, the ones I can go to any minute of the day and there will never be a busy signal, and the one who knows ME! Who knows what I want in life and how I can get there. We are taught to trust in Him- and He shall direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-7)

It’s definitely not easy doing what’s right all the time and trusting God, but I am reminded of how much it’s worth it to do so. ♥️ 


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