Being single

To all my singles friends: know that #1 God loves you and #2 He is aware of you. As long as you know those 2 things then being single will be alright. ♥️ 

It’s hard when everyone around you is married, or they’re married with children, or just got engaged, or they’re in a relationship. You may think what is wrong with me? Why am I not dating? Or whatever the case is. You ask yourself all the questions leading back to why? Did God forget about me? Does He even care? 

Well, my dear friends. I can testify that He does. He has an amazing plan for YOU. And you being single right now is part of that plan. Whether you think so or not. He knows your hopes, your dreams, and what YOU want out of life. He hears your prayers and He wants you to be happy, because in this life we are meant to have JOY! It doesn’t say we can have joy occasionally, or when the time is right, but we are meant to have it. 

Ask yourself some of these questions: what are you doing to develop your relationship with Heavenly Father? What are you doing to bring yourself closer to Christ? What are you doing to improve your image on a daily basis? When was the last time you went to the temple and partook of the blessings there? What are you doing with the time that you have right now being single? What are you learning? How is it preparing you for the future?

Working on yourself and developing in ways that bring your closer to God will improve your life. It will give you more meaning. It will give you a stronger sense of purpose and belonging. 

I read an article the other day and the author was talking about how her time being single is time that is supposed to be spent with God and working on their relationship. Are you doing that?

President Russell M. Nelson gave a talk on celestial marriage awhile ago and he talked about patterns of a shopper. He said that “Wise shoppers study their options thoroughly before they make a selection. They focus primarily on the quality and durability of a desired product. They want the very best. In contrast, some shoppers look for bargains, and others may splurge, only to learn later—much to their dismay—that their choice did not endure well. And sadly, there are those rare individuals who cast aside their personal integrity and steal what they want. We call them shoplifters.” President Nelson goes onto say “That proclamation on the family helps us realize that celestial marriage brings greater possibilities for happiness than does any other relationship. The earth was created and this Church was restored so that families could be formed, sealed, and exalted eternally.”

So don’t just pick the first one that comes along. Marriage is one of the BIGGEST decisions that you and I will ever make. It’s important to take it slow, think it out in your mind, and ask God if it’s right. Eternity is a long time. Don’t rush making that decision. 

I bet you’re thinking, well duh Lyssa, of course marriage is important, but it’s still not happening for ME. To those I say, what are you doing to work towards that? God expects us to be active in body and spirit. He wants us to make choices and use our agency to better our lives. How are you bettering yourself? 

One of my favorite and most cherished quotes that hangs in my bedroom now is by President Hinckley. He says “Never forget that you came to earth as a child of the divine Father, with something of divinity in your very makeup. The Lord did not send you here to fail. He did not give you life to waste it. He bestowed upon you the gift of mortality that you might gain experience -positive, wonderful, purposeful experience- that will lead to life eternal. He has given you this glorious church. His church, to guide you and direct you, to give you opportunity for growth and experience, to teach you and lead you and encourage you, to bless you with eternal marriage, to seal upon you a covenant between you and Him that will make of you His chosen child.” 

My dear friends, do not be discouraged. Just keeping doing what is right and God will have no choice, but to bless you. And He will bless you. Keep your chin up, have faith, and don’t let this bump stop you from living your life and having joy right NOW ♥️🙏🏻😘


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