
Hi my name is Lyssa. I'm 24, 5'9 ish, I'm curvy, definitely by no means "skinny", I have broad shoulders, sausage fingers that I got from my dad, and sometimes I have really low self confidence and self esteem. But you know what? That's me! I've grown to love my curves and be happy in my own skin. I've grown to love my broad shoulders. Not only do they help me to be strong but I wouldn't be complete without them. And my sausage fingers? Yes please! Those hands and fingers of mine have been through some hard times, and have seen so much. 

The times I've been down in the dumps with confidence so low, I've been able to rise up and become more confident in me! In myself. In this beautiful amazing body that my Heavenly Father has given me. And guess what? Through the atonement of Jesus Christ I've been able to catch a glimpse of myself the way Heavenly Father sees me, and guys, that is something that I wish all of us could have and the beautiful this is we all can have it! 

You might wonder where I'm going with this, we'll let me explain. We, as women (and men) look only on our outward appearance sometimes. We focus on the insecurities we have and the people that we don't look like. (Thank you social media) We compare ourselves time after time after time. We slowly say things like I'm not skinny enough or my eyelashes aren't long enough. I have too much stomach flab, I don't like my eyes, I don't like this and that and the other. And the list could go on! And you know what? I'm down right sick of it. Why do we reach across from our peers and friends and the people we don't even know for approval when we should be reaching up to our God, our Father in Heaven. Who cares so so much about each and every one of us! 

You see, each and every single one of us are , unique, amazing creations that our Heavenly Father created. We each have qualities we've been blessed with, whether physically, emotionally, spiritually, that are absolutely unique to each one of us. No two people are the same. Think of how boring the world would be if we were all the same height, weight, had the same eyes, chin, hair, feet, toes, etc. talk about a dull existence.

Why do we try so hard to change this amazing creation we've been blessed with?! YOU are perfect just the way you are. "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." -Oscar Wilde

One of my favorite movies that one of my bff's grew up watching is "What a girl wants". Seriously watch it if you haven't! There's a quote that Ian says to another one of the main characters. She finds her dad in London and she's definitely not what you'd call a debutant and graceful. He tells her "Why do you try so hard to fit in, when you're born to stand out?" It's seriously beautiful and makes me love the movie even more. Love yourself! 


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