A string of fortunate events :)

As I sit and think of the day's events my day replays in my head. I think of the people I've met, the opportunities I've had for service, and the things I was able to accomplish. There were the ups and the downs, good things and the bad things, things that didn't go as "planned", but I am filled with joy and gratitude. No my life isn't perfect. It's definitely not turned out the way I have wanted it to. But I'm so glad!! I am glad that Heavenly Father knows ME and he knows my heart. He knows what will make me the most happy and what will bring me the most joy. He knows the past present and future! He knows what is going to happen today and tomorrow. He has a perfect plan for ME! I am definitely not perfect at trusting Him, nor will I ever be, but that's ok! It's the here a little there a little, precept upon precept principle that is going to get me where I need to go. Because of His Son Jesus Christ, I am able to be forgiven of my sins and get on the right path again. Time and time again, mistake after mistake. I'm able to become a better person and learn and grow in ways that I never thought possible. This gospel of Jesus Christ makes me happy! It makes me me and I would be completely lost and alone without it. Not having the opportunity to pray to my Heavenly Father would kill me!! But the great thing is that I CAN. Anytime, anywhere, any place I want and need too. He's ALWAYS there just waiting for me to come unto Him! We are taught in the scriptures to knock and it shall be opened, ask and ye shall receive, come unto me, and so many more. I invite you all to do just that. I know He is listening and I know that He can help. Most importantly, don't forget the love He has for you ♥️


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