You are not alone in your struggles.

This month was pretty hard. I started a second job and I also ended that second job. From having food poisoning for three weeks to finally feeling better for a few days after and then going right into a stomach bug virus a couple days later, life couldn't get any worse. It was pretty terrible. After enduring the worst flu bug on the face of the earth (or so it seemed) on and off for 12 hours, over the course of throwing up about 9 times and feeling as if I was going to die. I wondered if I could do it. With my bucket in hand, I made it to my car. Which was a miracle in and of itself! I feel like I was in a trance the whole way home. With the AC blowing at the top notch and lots of deep breath's and prayers I finally arrived into Brigham City.

As I was on Main Street coming up towards the light across the street from the temple this scripture D&C 121:7-9 popped into my head. When Joseph is in Liberty jail struggling hard core with everything you can imagine. Heavenly Father says "My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high;" I immediately started to cry and I thanked Heavenly Father for that tender mercy and sweet reminder. Yes I was having a hard time, and yes I was ready to throw in the towel, but I knew and I knew God knew that He was aware of me. 

The trials and struggles we get to face are to help us learn and grow. We may not know what is going to happen or what we will learn, but it's worth it. It the grand scheme of things, our struggles may be small compared to others, but none the less. God IS AWARE of you and of what you're going through! He knows your name, He is aware of your entire situation, and He loves you so so much. I'm thankful for priesthood blessings, the power of prayer, and for the opportunity to endure when times and life are hard. Trying times help me to become more compassionate, service oriented, and a better disciple of my Savior Jesus Christ! #haveidoneanygoodintheworldtoday #haveihelpedanyoneinneed


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