Welcome to my blog!

Hello friends!

There is a movie that a woman is writing a letter/email and she says to this man, I like to start my letters out by writing to you as if we were already the closest and dearest friends. So in the words of Meg Ryan from "You've got mail" I have decided to start my own blog! As you read, I hope you will feel like you and I have been friends for the longest time.You will be able to get to know me and my life experiences. I would LOVE to hear feedback from you all as well.

It has been a long time coming. Wow, a while back I never would have thought that I would be here on a rainy Monday afternoon writing the first entry to my blog. I have always thought about starting a blog for a while now and finally I did it! I am quite proud of myself. Every now and then I have had thoughts about a blog and sharing my thoughts and experiences with the world. Even when you think no one will benefit from what you have to say, they do! Trust me, I have been there myself and have always been surprised from the positive feedback that I have received.

My goal for this blog is to have inspirational stories and the little miracles that have happened in my life. I feel as though they are something worth sharing! With all the smut and ugliness in the world and the negative things out there, here on my blog you will find things that are worth sharing, stories that are worth hearing, and thoughts that want to be heard. As well as, things that will increase your personal testimony and help you stand a little taller as an individual child of God. My hope is that you will be inspired to become better as a person, become closer to our Savior Jesus Christ, and become more confident in being YOU.

I want this blog to be uplifting, positive, and full of life and love. Much like my personality, you could say. I love helping others, writing for fun, buying way to much perfume, brushing my long flowy locks, quoting movies, making new friends, and spending time with  my family. The gospel of Jesus Christ means everything to me! I am always trying to be confident in who I am, what I look like, and how I can become better. I hope this blog inspires YOU to become whatever it is that you want to become--because YOU CAN!


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