Seasons of sadness 🖤

New Post: 😏🖤👇🏻🫶 It’s been a while since I have written much, but these words have been on my mind. Some days I’m sad, not happy. Some days I’m overcome with jealousy, not happiness for others. Some days I feel like I failed.. like everyone around me are all moving forward with their lives, and I’m stuck..some days I compare my body, where I am at in life, and everything else to others. I end up asking myself “what I did wrong?” 😔 I know we’re not supposed to put our keys to happiness in others pockets. I know we shouldn’t compare our lives or where we are at verses where somewhere else is, and I know that there is a season for everything and timing, but some days it’s hard. Some days, it just sucks. Every single person in this world has dark days. Some, more than others. To those of you that do, to you I say hold on. Keep going. Get help. ❤️ To the rest of you that might feel like me sometimes, (which we ALL will feel this way at different times in our lives) keep goin...