
Showing posts from January, 2022

God’s love and His attributes ♥️

  After watching a video that I saw on social media, my heart began to hurt for this person and their struggles. If the God I know and the God they know, loves us all so much, then surely He still loves us no matter what. No matter what path we go down, No matter what choices we make, and as long as we’re happy, because He wants us to be happy.  ♥️ Each of us have our own paths we travel down. Different valleys and hills we experience, and valuable, specific knowledge especially for us that we gain along the way.  I know each of you are so LOVED by and BELOVED by our Father in Heaven. I know God speaks to His children and that love He has for us NEVER changes. No matter what we do!  The words/attributes that come to my mind when I think of the God that I know are; kind, compassionate, full of grace, full of love, genuine, forgiving, thoughtful, just, and a good listener. He always has our hearts desires at the top of His priority list.  We, His children are His ...

2022 Here I come!

 New post! 🎆🎉🤩 I can’t say that I’m sad that 2021 is gone. ✌🏻 This year has been another crazy year in the school of life. I’ve had 2 (now 3 🎉)  jobs where I gained valuable experience of what I want and what I don’t want for a job and how I wanted to feel and be treated, I had plenty of interviews, lots of rejections, wrote a lot on my blog and had days where I have walked through deep water as Joseph Smith has said. I even turned 29- can you believe it? Yeah, me neither. 😅There have definitely been happy and sad times, visiting new places, losing loved ones, taking chances, and making memories with those that I love. ♥️ Through it all, these life lessons were for me specifically to learn and grow from. 🙏🏻I am so grateful for each trial and tribulation that I have had to pass through. I’m grateful for the friends that have been by my side, the many prayers said in my behalf, and the new friends I have made this year. 🥰 Life doesn’t go how you think and or expect. Cra...

Another trip around the sun 🥳

 New post! 👇🏻🥳♥️🎄❄️🙏🏻🎉 Wow- another trip around the sun. Can you believe it? I can’t! 29 years! Happy Birthday to me! 🥳🤪 What a whirlwind it’s been.  Early this morning, my mind started thinking back to this last year how much growth I’ve experienced. How many struggles and trials I’ve had, how many surprises that have come, and the blessings that have followed.  I’ve struggled with feelings of inadequacy, sadness, health issues, job searching, loss of loved ones, my spirituality, taking steps into the unknown, personal growth, and little old me just trying to figure out my next step. It’s definitely been a year of growth and gratitude. Growth by definition says it’s a stage or condition in increasing, developing, or maturing. When we grow, we change, and therein we become a better version of our old self. A newer version. Lyssa 2.0. This year has definitely been surprising- but amongst it all, it’s been my little package of goodies, just for me. Every trial and ...