Change is constant. It’s one thing we can rely on.

CHANGE. One word that has so much meaning. Change has been on my mind a lot the last couple days. With the passing of my aunt and my grandpa, the changes to the trees outside, and the possible changes in my life, I feel a little overwhelmed. Have you ever wanted something so badly, and waited for it for so long, that when it actually might come to fruition, you get scared? You start freaking yourself out. Your mind starts to think about all of the changes that could “potentially” occur and boom. You’re left with worry and your racing thoughts. God is in charge. He knows how our lives will play out. He knows what is going to happen tomorrow, a couple hours from now, and 10 years down the road. Life is all about change. It’s one thing we can expect to happen. Change changes you. It brings about a different kind of growth. A good growth. A growth that is worth changing to have. I’ve had lots of growing experiences and changes over the course of my 28...