
Showing posts from August, 2017

Ch ch ch changes

Some things are just bound to come to an end. You've put in your time, developed your skills and mastered them, worked on your confidence, grown in all the ways possible, and the time comes for a change. It's bittersweet that I've decided to leave Deseret Book. "There's no comfort in growth and there's no growth in comfort". Words to live by! I've definitely been comfortable in the LDS retail environment. I've had 5+ years of experience! Haha but the Lord knew I needed to grow more in ways that I've never even thought of. The experiences and the dear friends that I've had over the last 2.5 years will be ones that I'll treasure forever! You are all amazing! And I'm so thankful for YOU ALL. You've been my family, my cheer team, and my trusted friends. ♥️ It's not goodbye, just see you later! Change is good! It helps us grow into the people that Heavenly Father wants us to become. And learn the things we need to learn! "Th...


There have been so many times in my life where I have been confused and have asked myself the question why is this happening? The memories that flood my mind are ones of agony, despair, frustration, regret, and betrayal. I play in my head over and over again the different scenarios that brought me to that point. In some cases wondering what I did wrong and if I was the cause. The hurt inside me floods out through my eyes that progressively turn into sobs. I'm broken. I'm inconsolable. I'm weak.  But then, like the light at the end of the deep and dark train tunnel, I see a glimmer of light. Of hope, and of peace. It's as almost if Heavenly Father and His Son, my Savior, Jesus Christ are standing right there. Their arms outstretched and their loving embrace is right there just waiting for me. Me, the one who needs it right there and then. All my worries and my fears dissipate and I immediately feel relief. A sense of peace and calmness wash over me and I become ...


I've been thinking a lot about timing lately and this quote popped into my head this morning by Elder Oaks. "In all the important decisions in our lives, what is most important is to do the right thing. Second, and only slightly behind the first, is to do the right thing at the right time." Sometimes I don't want to make the wrong choice. I stress and worry about some of the "what if's". I don't want to mess up! I've come to a realization though, that making those wrong choices and even the right ones that are hard are all part of the plan. They let us use our agency and we grow so much! We are able to become better sons and daughters that our Heavenly Father wants us to become. Trusting Him is hard sometimes, but I know that we are never alone. He's waiting to bless us! Those choices and decisions determine our destiny! ♥️ #TRUSTHim #CTR #RTC #justkeepswimming #beworthyoftheholyghost